V2/Concepts/Intro to Metric

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A metric is a discrete reading or unit of data. It can be produced/measured by sensors, equipment, or complex systems. An example of a metric using raw values from the sensing device (e.g. thermometer) is temperature (eg. 37), or derived values (eg. is_temperature_high). A metric may or may not have units associated (eg. degrees Celsius).

You can decide to compute the derived values before sending, or send the raw values to Senfi and make use of computed measurement to calculate it.

In a computed measurement, the metrics is used to store the output calculated by the script from the input measurements' metrics.

Each metric has a name (for display), and a code (for integration). You should also specify a valid type for the metric.

Any valid text (eg. Temperature Difference)
Combination of lowercase alphanumeric characters and underscore (eg. temperature_difference)
One of the following: boolean, float, integer, string
Unit associated to metric (e.g. Degrees Celsius)
Decides if Metric can be read
Decides if Metric can be written into
Brick Point Class
Decides the Brick point class(es) that the Metric belongs to (View here for more information on Brick Point Class)

There are also options to choose if a Measurement has lift or movable metrics. These are specialized metrics built for lift Measurement or Measurement with moving properties (e.g. robot, position tracking).

Metric type cannot be changed after creation

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