V2/Concepts/Preparing for Asset Creation

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What is needed to create an Asset

  1. Mandatory information are marked with an ‘*’.
  2. If you want to augment your Senfi assets with brick classes, you need to:
    1. Create the measurements, and in the metrics, specify brick point classes
    2. Create asset class, and specify brick equipment class
    3. Create asset that uses 1 and 2, and specify brick point names

This section helps you to prepare information you need to create an Asset.

General Information

Name given to the Asset.
Short description about the Asset.
The Site the Asset is to be assigned to.
The Class(es) that the Asset can belong to. If the class is not already in the system, proceed to create class prior to creating the Asset.
Access Group
Determines the access group(s) that have access to view/manage the Asset. If no access group is chosen, all access groups will have access to the Asset.
2D icon used to represent the Asset in the Digital Twin. If the icon is not already in the system, proceed to upload icon prior to creating the Asset.
Decides if the Asset is virtual.

Data Source

  • Decide on the data sources for the asset. If the asset's data source is:
    • a measurement, ensure the measurement is already created.
    • an event, ensure the external source is connected to Senfi.
    • a video stream, ensure the video adapter is already associated with the site in Senfi.
    • an IFrame, prepare the URL to be embedded.


  • Note down the attributes (if any) to be included.


  • Decide the relationships (if any) to be included.


  • Have the location information of the asset on hand.


  • Decide the annotations (if any) to be included. You can choose 0, 1 or more of the following annotations:
    • Line
    • Volume
    • 3D Text
    • 2D Text

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