V2/CMS Tutorial/User Tools/Organisation Settings/Authentication

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Edit Organization Authentication Method

Note: The following steps assume that the user is already logged in to the CMS.


Steps to edit Organization Authentication Method
  1. Go to the Setting Icon.pngSettings tab.
  2. Select the "AUTHENTICATION" tab.
  3. Edit User Session Expiry.
  4. Edit OpenID Connect (OIDC) Settings.
  5. Select UPDATE to save changes.

Edit User Session Expiry

User Session Expiry: How long the user can be idle before they are automatically redirected to a re-login pop-up notice.

For the CMS, Digital Twin and VAS:

  1. Select the desired time unit (Hours, Days, Weeks, Months) from the dropdown.
  2. Enter the desired number of hours/days/weeks/months.

Edit OIDC Settings

  1. Edit the necessary information:
    • OpenID Connect metadata document
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret

See Setup OIDC Login on OIDC Identity Provider.